
Tourist Information of Yangon, map, climate, weather forecast, transportation, hotel.

About Yangon

 The main sightseeing spots of Yangon are Shwedagon Pagoda, Bogyok Aung San Market and some places. By one day trip, you can go to Kyaiktiyo Pagoda(Golden Rock).
The other place of one day trip from Yangon is Bago. If you have some friends and family, you should hire a car taxi and go to Bago by one day trip. Just one person, going to Bago and hire a bike taxi after arriving in Bago.

For tourism in Myanmar, local cities such as Mandalay, Bagan, Inle Lake, Hpa-an are the main tourist cities rather than Yangon.

So, you had better entering from Yangon, and travel in Yangon to the south cities, Hpa-an, Mawlamyine. After that, you move toward north, Mandalay, Bagan and Inle Lake, and will leave from Mandalay. You do not need to go back to Yangon.

It is OK, you enter from Mandalay and leave from Yangon. If you use Air Asia and some LCC, there are some flights from Mandalay.

How to travel efficiently Yangon Mandalay International Airport Airplane Tickets How to pick up Myanmar Travel Sightseeing Information Recommended Myanmar

Map of Yangon

Yangon Myanmar Map How to use the Map

Myanmar Travel Information

Climate, Weather Forecast of Yangon

Transportation of Yangon

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