
Video, Streaming around Ngwe Saung. The nearest resort from Yangon.

Ngwe Saung Travel Information

 Ngwe Saung is a resort, and located eastern part of Myanmar. The main resort of Myanmar is the eastern part, and Ngwe Saung is the neaest resort from Yangon, and easy to go, and taking a time for 6 hours from Yangon by a Highway Bus.
There is a resort areas such as the southern part, Dawei, but the southern part has not been developed, yet. So it is not known as a resort to be able to go to the easiest resort in Myanmar. And The other nearest resort from Yangon is Chaungtha Beach. I have been to Chaungtha Beach, so I do not know in detail, but Myanmar says that it is better Ngwe Saung more than Chaungtha. Chaungtha is located close to Ngwe Saung, and Ngwe Saung Beach is bigger than Chaungtha Beach.
This Ngwe Saung Beach is a little bit hard to say Resort, because developed a little. It is better to feel a local beach.

Streamming of Ngwe Saung Beach

 Taking a time for 6 hours from Yangon, and one of the easiest beach from Yangon and Myanmar. There is Chaungtha Beach close to Ngwe Saung Beach. I have not been to Chaungtha Beach, so I do not know in detail. But Myanmar says Ngwe Saung Beach is better.

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Video, Streaming around Ngwe Saung. The nearest resort from Yangon.
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